Today, I'm introducing you to Sr. Madonna. Although officially retired, she's an active member of the community and can frequently be found accompanied by her dog, Gracie.
What city/state were you born in?
Cincinnati, Ohio
When did you join the Sisters of the Precious Blood?
After grade school, age 14
Why the Sisters of the Precious Blood?
Most familiar with them. Taught me for eight years.
Who is your favorite Saint?
Our Blessed Mother. Inherited from my mother.
Do you have a favorite prayer or style of prayer?
What do you in your spare time?
What is your favorite:
Book: Author Ron Rohlhauser
Food: Squash & Zucchini
Movie: none - need to sit still too long
Holiday: Easter
What’s been your favorite ministry as a sister?
What piece of advice would you pass along to young adults in discernment?
Feel free to express your thoughts!