National Vocation Awareness Week is November 7th-13th. This special week is usually devoted to prayer and education for consecrated or ordained vocations, but we are using it this year to pray for ALL vocations! Will you join us in praying five minutes a day?
Recent studies show that not only are the number of men and women entering religious life decreasing, but the number of Catholic marriages is decreasing too. We have a vocational crisis in our faith. So this year, the Sisters of the Precious Blood are inviting everyone to pray for an increase in all vocations. We'd love for men and women to continue to devote themselves to God through a variety of vocations, whether it be religious life, marriage, single or ordained life.
Sign up and commit to praying five minutes a day for each day during Vocation Awareness Week. If you sign up, you'll receive an email each morning with a prayer intention for a different vocation. God uniquely calls each of us and regardless of our specific vocation, we all are called to live out our baptism, to be holy and to become a saint! So join us in praying that men & women continue to strive to become saints!