by Jenna Legg
In the first chapter of the Gospel of John, Andrew and another follower of John were amazed by Jesus. When they began following Jesus out of curiosity, Jesus questioned their motives, "What are you looking for?" They replied with another question, "Teacher, where do you live?" In those days, this was a equivalent to them asking "Jesus, can we be your disciples?" Jesus' replied to them, "Come and see."
His response is much more open-ended than they may have anticipated. Instead of answering yes or no, Jesus invited them to try out the experience of being his disciple. It was an invitation to test the waters.
Our "Come and See" retreat offers the same opportunity for women interested in religious life. We invite you to come test the waters, learn what its like to be a Sister of the Precious Blood. There's no contract involved, you're not committing your life. You are only committing a few days (or in this case a few hours) to being present.
Try out life as a sister. See if it brings you joy. Explore the feelings you have during the sessions. Are you exhausted afterwards? Are you energized? Do you feel even more curious? Pay attention. These sentiments can be wonderful signposts in your discernment.
The "Come and See" experience is an opportunity for judgement-free and commitment-free discernment. The virtual retreat is even more convenient since there's less time and travel involved. So, if you have that tugging in your heart, or even the slightest bit of curiosity, "Come and See" what we're all about.
For more information and to register: