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Click below to learn more about a few ministries that we are involved in.

Colorado, Michigan & Ohio

Heart & Hands
Spiritual Care



Chicago, Illinois

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Dayton, Ohio

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Michigan & Ohio

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Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation

Located on the south side of Chicago, PBMR is a healing ministry, dedicated to working with youth and families who have been impacted by violence, incarceration and trauma.  


Through education, advocacy, workforce development, the arts and restorative justice initiatives, this ministry is bringing hope and hospitality to one of the most violent neighborhoods in the US.


Our Sisters are instrumental in working with mothers and families affected by violence by facilitating reconciliation circles. They also help maintain the community garden that provides fresh produce to area residents & job skills for young people.

Brunner Literacy Center

Poor literacy skills are linked to incarceration, poverty, unemployment and even poor health. Founded by our Sisters, the Brunner Literacy Center provides free one-on-one tutoring to any adult who wants to improve their reading, writing or math literacy skills.


The literacy center works alongside adults to help them earn their GED, attain US citizenship, gain communication skills or maintain steady employment. 


Many of our Sisters remain active as tutors, volunteers and supporters and partners.

Catholic Charities

Our Sisters have worked and volunteered for many divisions of Catholic Charities across the country.


Sr. Mary volunteers in Immigration Legal Services to work with individuals or families applying for visas, permanent citizenship or asylum. 


Sr. Joanne is a counselor for Catholic Charities, helping men and women suffering from PTSD, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Here she describes her work:


"Many of the men and women I work with have made mistakes. Society tells them, “You’re a criminal.” But a mistake is just one part of a life. It is not the whole of a life. I believe that every individual is sacred and holy. Every one of us is worthy of reestablishing belief in our own dignity and our own integrity. We can all learn skills and strategies to heal relationships that are not healthy."

Catholic Charities
Casa Sofia & Precious Blood Women's Association

In 2007, Sr. Marife opened a boarding school in rural Guatemala for young Mayan women to learn Spanish and complete high school studies. Mayan villages do not have access to education beyond 6th grade and this school offers free room, board and tuition for women wishing to study.


In 2015, Sisters Terry & Joyce opened a house (Casa Sofia) in Guatemala City for these young women to live in while they pursue higher education after graduating from Sr. Marife's high school. Sisters provide free room and board and introduce them to community life by sharing in meals, prayer, and social time.


The girls go on to careers in nursing and social work and other professions where they are able to use their natural gifts to support themselves and educate their families.


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Chile 2022
Precious Blood Groups

The Sisters of the Precious Blood have been ministering in Chile for over 65 years! At first, they aided the Missionaries of the Precious Blood by teaching in San Gaspar school. Then began weekly sharing the Gospel by going to door-to-door.


Currently the Sisters work with local parishes and run Precious Blood groups, which were formed to provide a faith sharing experience. Sr. Edna explains:


"During their monthly sharing with these Precious Blood groups, the Sisters share the life of their foundress, Mother Maria Anna Brunner, with whom the people could identify. She had no formal education and worked as a maid when she was young to help support her family. As a mother raising five children, she would give bread and milk to the poor, coupled with an intense devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Many have a picture or a statue of her in their homes and count on her to intercede for them. This has been the life and experience of many of the women that the sisters encounter daily."


Regardless of location, all of our Sisters take special care to preserve the earth's resources and create a cleaner, more sustainable world.


Sr. Marie's "mushroom ministry" involves teaching courses to children and adults on the role of mushrooms in our ecosystems. Sr. Carolyn helps facilitate an urban garden in Chicago while Sr. Mumbi helps immigrants garden their native foods in the US. 


Our Sisters are avid recyclers and strive to create less waste. Deemed the "Solar Sisters", we also gain much of our energy in the Dayton area from solar panels on our buildings. 


We also use our influence to speak about the climate crisis and advocate for changes in energy consumption. 

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Social Justice

Our spirituality calls us to respond to the cry of the blood in the world. We do so by confronting issues of racism, the death penalty, poverty and criminal justice reform. 


Sr. Mumbi is the president of Friends in Solidarity, whose works to build partnership with the Church of South Sudan and the South Sudanese people. Sr. Jeanette, along with others, began homicide vigils in Dayton, Ohio honoring all those killed by violence in the area. 


Sisters Jean Rene and Arlene volunteer at Brigid's Path, a home for mothers who struggle with addiction and their newborn babies. Local Sisters have also been instrumental in agencies like House of Bread and Homefull that combat poverty and help relieve hunger.


Sisters also advocate and volunteer in ministries working to abolish human trafficking, those calling for gun reform, and emergency funding for the poor.

Social Justice
Spiritual Care

Many Sisters serve as Spiritual Directors. But even more serve the outside community as chaplains, retreat companions, pastoral associates and in other parish ministries.


Rooted in the love of Christ, each Sister compassionately accompanies those she is with. Whether ministering to the elderly, like Sr. Alice or Sr. Beverly, or caring for the spiritual needs of college students, like Sr. Karen, Sisters enjoy helping others deepen their faith.


Sr. Marita volunteers with the Hispanic ministry, teaching RCIA and working with parish youth and volunteers. 


Sr. Joyce Ann uses her Doctorate in Ministry to minister to others through her many published books, her retreat talks, and spiritual reflections.

Spirital Care
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Many of the Sisters of the Precious Blood have been educators. Our spirituality calls us to be a life-giving presence and education is one way we share the joy of Christ with others. Sisters have served as teachers, administrators, principals and CEOs of schools.


Sr. Mary continues to be the principal at an off-reservation boarding school for Native Americans. Sr. Lakesha recently began teaching religion at two low-income Catholic schools.


Our Sisters also teach and tutor a wide variety of subjects, all with the goal of inspiring others to be a life-giving presence in the world.

Health Care

Since our spirituality calls special attention to suffering and healing, many of our Sisters find themselves serving within hospitals, clinics or community health programs. 


Sisters have served as nurses both in organized facilities and on our mission sites. Sr. Joyce continues to use her nursing talent in Guatemala, while Sr. Jane is a medical assistant for our elderly sisters. Sr. Mary coordinates volunteers at a hospital and facilitates programs that bring health care and education to the poor.  Sr. Terry is a Board Certified Chaplain  who ministers as a Chaplain and is the Manager of the Spiritual Care Department at a hospital in Apple Valley, CA.

Sr. Margo is a physician who ministered in Guatemala and California, mostly aiding under-served populations.  

Health Care
Precious Blood Spirituality is a way of life and thus we are able to be a reconciling presence in whatever ministry God calls us. Listening to the Spirit and confronting injustices often lead us to new ministries and locations.
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